A Living Will (known as an ‘Advance Decision’) allows you to express your wishes to refuse medical treatment in the future, in extreme circumstances.
A Living Will is a document that comes into effect if there came a time when you were unable to make or communicate your own medical decision. A Living Will allows you to refuse treatment, even if this leads to your death. It is legally binding, and will only be used if you were unable to communicate or lack the capacity to make decisions.

A Living Will should be part of your estate planning portfolio, alongside your will and Lasting Power of Attorney.

We recommend you discuss your Living Will with a healthcare professional such as your GP, as well as your family and friends, so that your wishes are clear.
To refuse treatment, a Living Will:

  • must be clear about the circumstances under which you would not want to receive the specified treatment;
  • should specify if you wish to receive the specific treatment, even if this leads to your death;
  • cannot be used to request certain treatment; and
  • cannot be used to ask for your life to be ended.
Your GP and medical team must know about your Living Will so they can include it in your medical notes. You should review it regularly and can change it at any time and it must be dated and signed every time.
We can assist in drafting a Living Will in line with your instructions.
Just call us on 07711 618269.